Discover Your Path to Health, Happiness & Purpose!

What is Soul Success?

Soul Success is living in the full expression of your health, happiness and purpose by consistently managing the emotional issues that can delay or derail your progress in life.


As your Soul Success Coach, I will guide you through the process of uncovering and overcoming your frustrating emotional blocks, triggers, and traumas and arm you with tools to help you successfully maintain your progress.


With transformational coaching and compassionate support, you will be empowered to release the emotional baggage that has been weighing you down.

I'm Your Soul Success Coach, Nicolla Renee’.

While I was graduating with honors and rising up the ranks professionally, I experienced the hollow numbness of emotional repression and I didn’t know why. I wondered, “When things looked so good on the outside, why did they feel so bad on the inside?” Why wasn’t I prospering when I was giving it my all?

By God’s grace, the “soul wounds” from emotional, verbal and financial abuses of relationships past were revealed and I experienced healing. God answered my prayers and revealed to me that experiences of emotional abuse had taken root in childhood and were sabotaging my soul’s success.

If you live an overwhelming or stressful life, I want to help you!

I specialize in helping people slow down and get focused on the goals they want to achieve. I can help you go from feeling weighed down by life, to releasing the emotional baggage so that it won’t hold you back from pursuing your dream life.

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
— 3 John 1:2

Discover the Power of Journaling! 

Discover the power of journaling as a tool to unlock your emotions, find clarity, and navigate life's challenges with resilience and grace. Our comprehensive guide provides you with practical tips, prompts, and techniques to help you cultivate a deep and meaningful journaling practice.

Discover Your Path to Health, Happiness & Purpose!

Client Testimonials

Roy C., Greater Los Angeles, CA

Nicolla Renee’s genuine care and compassionate guidance have not only propelled my personal growth but also created a nurturing space for self-discovery and genuine fulfillment. I'm immensely grateful for Nicolla Renee’s impactful support.

Renee M., Upper Marlboro, MD

Nicolla Renee’, I’ve gained so much from our time together. Your methods helped deepen my self-awareness and set the stage for major breakthroughs in my life. Thank you!